
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ratio facts

L.I. LI: to manage finances and earn profit by creating with math.
Today for maths i am doing ratios for math.Me and david are doing a ratio game.A Ratio is between two numbers indicating how many times the first number contains the second. For example, if there is a bowl of fruit and in the fruit there are eight apples and six bananas then the ratio of oranges to lemons is eight to six is 8:6.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


L.I. to know how to make a lever machine.
Today for inquiry we are making a lever machine.


L.I. to learn water safety and swimming skills
Today for swimming my teacher was kelly she teached us to float on our back and kind of put our face underwater and how to Swim through a hoop.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Persuasive speech

L.I. to write an quick persuasive speech.
Today for writing i learnt to write a quick persuasive speech about minecraft our struture was oreo

O : stands for opinion

R : stands for Reason

E : stands for explanation

O : stands for opinion

Basic facts boxes

L.I. to learn about basic math problem.
Today i am doing my basic facts boxes to complete my must do.

Print design rules

L.I. to identify the four areas of print design.
For cybersmart i am doing print design to know how to do good slides.

Kiwi can

L.I. to know to tell peoples emotions
Today for kiwi can our theme is Resilience and our topic is emotions our activity was a role play.
In my group there was sione, makalay, shainaye, sakuke we were doing a bully role play there are 2 bully's and 1 kid who gets bulled and the bullies tell the kids in the class to join but they didn,t want to and send the 2 bullies to detention.